14wk6day: Feeling the baby

Now there is no question these are indeed baby movements I've been feeling. I'm very surprised (and happy). I wasn't expecting to feel until like 18-20 wks and was thinking of getting a doppler to listen to the HB at home. At my 11wk5d appointment, I asked the doctor her opinion on home dopplers and she said they're waste of money and cause parents a lot of anxiety. She said they see it a lot. I decided against getting it. Last thing I need is more stress. Looks like the baby decided to cooperate and let me know of his presence early on!! Thank you God!

I should get my GTT results today. Not anxious about it surprisingly. I'll be fine if I get it as it would make me kick my butt into proper diet and exercise. Speaking of which, I'm at 0 gain or loss right now. My appetite is still not back and there is a little nausea here and there but mostly it is gone.

I think the honeymoon stage of pregnancy is starting!! I can feel the baby, nausea is gone, the only other thing I want gone is the tiredness. Sleeping on the couch at 8PM is not fun. I haven't been doing any knitting or other crafting (except while waiting at the doctor's office). I have so many unfinished projects it makes my head hurt thinking about them. Once the baby comes I'll not have time for anything for at least an year.

14wk1day: GTT tomorrow

Fasting starts now. I had rice(1/4 cup) and schezuan beans for dinner. Hope the bloodsugar isn't too high tomorrow. I have not been consistent with eating dinners because I usually don't have any appetite at night. I just have something snacky instead. Thought I should eat dinner tonight because I won't get to eat breakfast tomorrow. Test is at 8:45AM and goes on until 11:45AM.

I think I'll do a belly shot this weekend. There is definitely enough to see. My weight has dropped a bit from pre-pregnancy weight but the doctor doesn't seem concerned so I won't either. With DS, I remember I had gained 3-4 lb by the end of first tri. Overall weight gain with him was about 12-14 lb. This time it might be going the same way. I had the weight progress sheet from the doctor but it seems to have been lost :-o I has been more than 5 yrs and 2 moves so I'm not surprised just disappointed.

Let's see what tomorrow brings.

14 weeks! I think I'm in love

Upon seeing the BFP this time around, I didn't jump up and down with joy. I was very cautious. Didn't want to get attached to this baby early and get my heart broken. I tested very early, despite promising myself that I wouldn't. I had the symptoms and couldn't wait to test until 15DPO so I tested 5 days too early. I knew it could all vanish before I had even missed my period. At the time, I just had to remind myself of not thinking of anything beyond 'just a positive test, nothing else. It doesn't mean anything'. For a long time I kept testing just to see the test strip get darker and darker. Then came a point where the test strip was stealing all the dye from the control line and won't get any darker! I stopped testing eventually.
Saw the baby at 6wks and at 7wks. Recently had the NT scan and saw him again at 12wks. I can't not think in terms of baby now. I'm planning projects in my head, thinking about the nursery. We've told the families now and DS is very excited. So now is the time to be cautiously excited.

13wk6d: Feeling movements?

I have been feeling flutters at random times - usually once or twice a day. They're not gas, nor any other sensation. They do seem like baby movements and are in the right area. Not a 100% sure, but they do feel like it. With DS, I didn't feel movements until like 22 wks. Maybe it was the position of the placenta that time?
This is really early for feeling movements but not unheard of.

I'm going to schedule my 3hr GTT today. I've been avoiding it but it has to be done unfortunately. I'm not worried about being put on a diet. My biggest concern is having to take insulin like I did with DS. This time I'm going to try my best to avoid it. Certainly it is way to early for insulin. I have talked to the potential doctor if I do end up with GD again (which I'm sure I will, hoping not this early!) and told him my concerns. Fingers crossed!

Results for the Quad screening came back great! Down Syndrome risk was reduced from 1/400 to 1/8000 and Trisomy risk from 1/300 to 1/7000. The initial odds are calculated solely on your age and then the blood test and u/s results combined give the actual risk ratio. This is just a screening so they use this to filter out candidates for more testing - CVS and Amnio.

12wk2d: First tri screening and NT Scan

Saw the little bug on the ultrasound today. It has hands and feet! It has eyes! And was squirming around a lot. Doctor got the measurement of fluid behind the neck and I'm pretty sure it was 1.57. I think that was good because the doctor mentioned he was very happy with it. I wasn't much concerned about this screening before going in. Once I got into the lab, they had a counselor talk to me about the screening, what it will tell us, what are the risk factors, etc. Once I looked at the statistics and listened to her talk, I got concerned. When I was pregnant with DS, this test probably wasn't available. All I remembered was a blood test done around 14-16 wk for Down Syndrome. No fancy ultrasounds, no measurements, etc.

So when the doctor said everything looks good, I breathed a sigh of relief. They do a good job of scaring you.

The bug is measuring 12w5d so it's a little ahead. That's all good. I won't let them change my due date though, if this comes up down the line. With DS my due date was changed by a week (I think). This time since I was charting, I'm absolutely sure of gestation age.

In other news, I failed my 1hr GTT and have to go for 3hr one next week. I stupidly had a gum after drinking the glycola because I was feeling nauseous. This mint has been a life saver for me. After I had it I realized that was probably not a smart idea. Then I didn't tell the nurse about it because I wanted to get the test over with. Thought I can take my chances. So now I get to go for a 3 hr test. Hopefully the gum was the reason for the elevated sugar and it will come back ok this time.

About this blog

33 Year old mommy to one adorable DS. Pregnant with #2. It's a girl! Third Trimester.


Nursing Bras at Nurtured Family


13DPO - 406
15DPO - 911
19DPO - 3257

Weight Tracker

Pre-pregnancy weight = 143.2
16wk = 143.2
19wk = 146.4
22wk = 147.8
23wk = 147
24wk = 149.2
25wk = 148
27wk = 149.2
29wk = 151.4
30wk = 153
32wk = 151.4
33wk = 153
34wk = 151.4
35wk = 153.8
36wk = 154.6
37wk = 154.60
38wk = 155.20
39wk = 157.60
Total Gain: 14.40 lb

Belly Shots

24 weeks
25 weeks
28 weeks
30 weeks
31 weeks
33 weeks