I had a detailed discussion with one of the providers at the OB practice. It was sort of what I expected. She tried to scare me with the worst case scenarios. Here is the gist of it -
They don't let their GD patients to go beyond 40 wks in any scenario. They don't let their GD patients who have to use medication to control it beyond 39 weeks. Also, they're ok with VBAC as long as you go into labor before 40 wks. Again, you can't go beyond 40 wks for VBAC. I'm pretty sure I'll get GD later because of my own history with it and my family history. The doctor suggested I check with the maternal fetal specialist in a few weeks and get on Metformin. I don't want to be on medication without any reason, I'm very anti-pills but I'll do this if this means skipping GD this time around. The risk with GD is premature aging of the placenta. I don't know how much risk is there but she kept switching between premature placenta aging and uterine rupture risks. When I asked her about monitoring the aging of placenta on u/s (as I know this is what my previous doctor did), she brought up uterine rupture scenario. Argh. So according to this practice policies, I am just a perfect candidate for a scheduled C though she didn't utter those words, I got that impression.
The plan now is to ditch this practice. They are not VBAC friendly (which I suspected to begin with) and they're also not in favor of GD patients going overdue. I have talked to a friend whose OB seems in favor of VBAC. Good thing they take my insurance! I'm going to talk to the practice next week or so.
Another lead I have is I've contacted someone from ICAN website who is a birth doula. Since we have not experienced this before and are not familiar with what kind of scare tactics the doctor/nurses/hospital staff might throw at us at the last minute to pressure us into a repeat-C, it is a good idea to have someone experienced. I just hope she calls me and it all works out. She will also have some other VBAC friendly doctor recommendations I'm sure. Fingers crossed!!
Delivery options
16wk: In maternity pants
Today is the first day in maternity pants. They're really loose in the middle but are holding up. I am comfortable. That is the good thing. I've been wearing my regular pants with the bella band but it wasn't comfortable and I always had to adjust it. I'll still use the band since the regular pants fit me fine except in the waist.
Another noteworthy thing today is that I'm finally above my pre-pregnancy weight. Yay! I have quite a belly already but hadn't gained any weight, rather lost some. So the weight gain starts at 16wks. I think I'll gain around 15lb this time around. Now I can start keeping track of how much I'm gaining weekly (or monthly).
The nausea has almost disappeared by now. I'll get it once a day, around dinner time but that is vast improvement over the all day event that was going on a few weeks ago. This may be the reason for finally seeing some movement in the scale.
Baby movements - Some days he's really active, like yesterday. I felt him move at least 10 times while eating lunch. Other days are like today - barely any movement since morning. I think he's sleeping. I'll eat lunch in a few minutes and hope he starts moving then. Grow baby grow.
I think I haven't mentioned that I passed the 3hr Gestational Diabetes test. I was tested early this pregnancy because of having had GD in previous pregnancy. I passed! Numbers -
Fasting - 75
1 hour - 163
2 hour - 129
3 hour - 110