14DPO: Beta at 13DPO

I had blood drawn for Beta (HCG) and Progesterone yesterday. My beta at 13DPO came out to be 406. It is on the high side for the DPO. I had what I call implantation cramps starting at 5DPO and ending at 8DPO. That might have been due to an early implanter and might explain the high beta. I am waiting until my 15DPO beta results to breathe a little easier. Going for the draw tomorrow and should have the results on Friday.

I have had sore boobs since 9DPO but the soreness comes and goes. I've read that is normal, but still worried. I POAS every other day to see the lines progress, and today was an off day but I couldn't stop worrying so I did. The lines came up darker so that was a relief.

When the nurse called me back with beta result, she said it was positive. Like I was expecting it to be negative?? What is the number I asked. I POAS that morning so I know it was positive. Would I get a blood test for that? Actually, with DS that is exactly what I got the blood test for -- to confirm it officially I got a blood positive and never asked/knew about the betas. Just goes to show how different this pregnancy is.

Symptoms tally - So far I have gas, bloating, sensitive nose and slightly sore boobs. This time around with DS, I had sore boobs for sure. I wasn't testing so didn't know I was pregnant. Ah, the good old times.


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About this blog

33 Year old mommy to one adorable DS. Pregnant with #2. It's a girl! Third Trimester.


Nursing Bras at Nurtured Family


13DPO - 406
15DPO - 911
19DPO - 3257

Weight Tracker

Pre-pregnancy weight = 143.2
16wk = 143.2
19wk = 146.4
22wk = 147.8
23wk = 147
24wk = 149.2
25wk = 148
27wk = 149.2
29wk = 151.4
30wk = 153
32wk = 151.4
33wk = 153
34wk = 151.4
35wk = 153.8
36wk = 154.6
37wk = 154.60
38wk = 155.20
39wk = 157.60
Total Gain: 14.40 lb

Belly Shots

24 weeks
25 weeks
28 weeks
30 weeks
31 weeks
33 weeks